Oduniyi Olajide 1 article
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The Bible is full of lessons; one of the many life lessons is about relationship. Most people know the story of Samson and Delilah. We will obtain a lot of relationship lessons from the story of Samson and Delilah (Judges 16).relationship A relationship will not grow if it was built on lust; lust is not love. Samson lusted after Delilah causing him to step out of God's will for his life. Lustful desire blurs our vision to discern true love. Samson and Delilah were not truly in love and this resulted to Delilah betraying Samson for 5500 pieces of silver. A relationship built on physical attraction will not last long. Physical attributes should not be used as basis of a relationship. Though you may initially be drawn to or attracted to person's physical attributes, still you must look into a person's character (heart) before proceeding seriously in your relationship. Beauty fades with time and age; when this happens the relationship will tumble if it was built purely from physical attraction. Delilah's good looks gained access to Samson's desire. What started off as something beautiful turned into something ugly because the relationship was built superficially. It was built only through physical attraction. A relationship that started on the wrong foot will taint your beliefs; it will deceive you. Delilah asked the secret to Samson's strength. Though Samson saw that this was used against him, he still divulged his secret to Delilah. Samson failed to see beyond Delilah's deception. Their relationship started on the wrong foot; thus, it did not blossom into a true love but of deception and greed. A successful relationship requires maturity, self-discipline and self control. Samson displayed immaturity. He forced his parents to get him the wife he wanted. He did not mature emotionally and spiritually. He forced his way and relied on his strength instead of looking up to the provider of his strength. He did not have discipline and self-control. He lived a life of drunkenness and indulged in fleshy pleasures. Without maturity, self-discipline and self-control, a relationship will not flourish because the people involved will not be able to solve issues that will come their way. They will always want their way; they will be selfish and controlling. They don't have the maturity to understand the issues they are facing. They will act and react to relationship issues in ways that will only cause the issue to escalate instead of resolving it. They will shout and swear at one another, hurting each other emotionally and even physically. A relationship is without any issue; when problems arise, learn to listen to wise counsel. Even before starting a relationship, we must learn to consult our parents and those close to us. Samson's parents warned him against pursuing both the Philistine woman and Delilah, because his parents know that these women are not the right partners for him. But Samson did not listen. When relationship problems arise, we must ask those in authority for advice. If we reject wisdom, we must be prepared of the consequences. Because of Samson's bad relationship choices, Samson lost his eyesight and his strength. Relationships can be detrimental to our life; proceed with caution. Relationships can lead to everlasting happiness or sadness. It is best that we take steps before seriously jumping into a relationship. We should never experiment with relationships nor should we take relationships lightly. Relationships did not just happen in the new millennia; it existed since the beginning of time. Learn from stories of the past to help you build successful relationships. Shalom! Blog Name: www.bussydave.com.ng


  • Posted by Oduniyi Olajide
  • December 9, 2015 2:30 PM CET
