Oluwakemi Taiwo 2 articles
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Many thought running through my mind this morning about the significance of Jesus resurrection. The victory of the cross has been the reason for our triumph over all the battles of life. He paid the price for sin that we cannot pay, and by his blood we have access to God. As we celebrate Easter, it is imperative that we remind ourselves of the essence of Easter.  The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the foundation of the Christianity (1 corth 15:14).  If there was no resurrection,  Christianity is a joke, and we are wasting our time. But the truth is, the event of Jesus resurrection is undeniable. This being the case, just What you is the significance of Jesus' resurrection? The resurrection is one of the major evidences that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Paul affirmed that Christ is "declared to be the Son of God with power by resurrection from the dead" (Rom 1:4) . Jesus' resurrection represents an assurance that we can have forgiveness from our sins. Paul contended :"If Christ hath not been raised, our faith is vain, you are yet in your sins" (1 Cor 15:17) The resurrection tells the world that the kingdom of God is ruled by a living God. "I am the first and the last, and the living one, and I was dead, and behold, i am alive for evermore "(Rev 1:17-18). Jesus's resurrection proves that physical death is not the termination of human existence. God, who is the giver of life (1timothy 6:13), has the power to reanimate the human body. Christ triumph over the grave is Heaven's pledge to us that we too shall raised. This is why Jesus is referred to as the "firstfruits of them that are asleep"(1cor 15:20,23). The Lord's resurrection previewed the ultimate victory of Christianity over all Its enemies. Jesus is depicted as a lamp that had been slain, but was standing again(Rev 5:6). This same Lord was "the lion of the tribe of Judah" that had overcome his foes (Rev 5:5). We as Christians too we overcome as a result of the lamb's sacrifice and victory over death(Rev 12:11). The resurrection of the Son of God should be a constant reminder to us of these wonderful biblical truths. We honor our Master' victory over death not once a Year, but everyday.

Significance Of Jesus Resurrection

  • Posted by Oluwakemi Taiwo
  • March 28, 2016 11:32 AM CEST
