Henry Idu 2 articles
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Flying in the Fog Ogbo Awoke Ogbo ¶Flying in the fog is not a casual affair. Are you old enough to remember the accident at the Milan airport in October 2001? A jet taking off in the fog collided with another smaller plane that crossed its path killing all passengers in both planes! Again, if you are a frequent air traveler, you would have experienced some bit of the havoc that fogs can deliver to your travel plans. Flying in the fog is a major component of the mastery that pilots must complete. Pilots have good eyes but they must master flying and landing in fogs - when their eyes become no more useful than Barbie's own glazed eyes. A commercial pilot on Quora mentioned two things a pilot must do to navigate a fog: 1. Stay in touch with Air Traffic Control - to avoid hitting other planes. 2. Fly under a set of regulations called IFR - instrument flight rules The commercial jets are equipped with hi-tech automatic direction finders and landing instruments. ••• To be honest, this year, 2016, is a year of fogs. There is nothing on the outside view. Living by sight will kill one.The dollar is still climbing -- yesterday at NGN340 I'm told. School fees are harder to pay. The Middle class families are struggling, selling their properties or starving. This year appears to be the beginning of the lean cycle of Pharaoh's dream. Entrepreneurs are being fleeced by the Federal, State and Local Government officials for all kinds of spurious taxes and levies. Yet, no one supports them. The banks are confused about their role in the economy. The politicians are feeding the people with false hope and lies from the pit of hell. Electricity is at its all time worst. ••• Fogs are a reality of life. And the fogs of life come when they want, not when you want them. And talk about the fogs of sorrow! Can't forget the fogs that filled my mind the day my Dad passed on … and the day Mum joined him! No worse personal fog than dealing with the death of a loved one. Thinking ceases. How do you fly when you cannot see anything in front or either side of you? How do you fly without reference to outside view? Exactly like those smart pilots. Stay in touch with the spiritual Air Traffic Control! Stay in touch with Heaven through prayer. Heaven can see all the planes and unidentified flying objects along your path. Heaven's radar is flawless. Nothing hides from Heaven. I want to rely not on my own eyes but the eyes of Heaven. ••• Heaven will keep you from colliding with other planes on your path - and there are many. Placeholder humanity whose only business in life is not to mind their own business. Haven't you encountered people whose only business is to spoil your own business? The Lord said to us through Isaiah, "You shall hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'" In other words, "I Am your Air Traffic Controller," says the Lord. Second, use the Automatic Direction Finder that God has provided every man. It's called the Word of God! "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Every word, not some. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!" Yes God's Word is your trusted ADF! Many young people rely on the social media or Nollywood to teach them about love and life. They look to people like Beyonce and Jay-Z or Kim Kardashian or Nollywood to nurture them on the values of purity and sex. Looolest!! Aren't kidding me to death! ••• Before Gutenberg, you couldn't afford a copy of the Bible. You couldn't even see it! In the 2st century, anyone can buy a Bible for peanuts! Anyone with an Android phone can download it for free! Yet so few read it for directions before taking off into the fogs of life. As we say in Pidgin, "Na you do your sef." ••• Today, marriage is a fog. The political future of Nigeria is a fog. Traditional values in our society are a fog - young people in the village spit on old men -- abomination! The organized Church is a fog. Multiply every evil you see in the society by seven and you will get it in the organized church - falsehood, blackmail, corruption, deception, manipulation, enslavement of the ignorant masses, immorality, injustice, oppression, love of money, bitterness, sectionalism, wickedness. There is more fog in today's church that in the outside world! Last week, someone asked me, "How do you remain positive all the time?" The secret is finally out. It's the ADF - the automatic direction finder I enjoy daily in God's Word. I love you. Be healthy, wealthy and wise.


  • Posted by Henry Idu
  • February 18, 2016 9:48 AM CET
