A lady walked up to me full of emotions and said... "I have had three traumatizing breakup before I met Bode.

He is all I pray for in a man. A gentleman to the core... Until last month we went for a blood test and discovered we are both AS. What do you think I can do?"

Without emotions or thinking twice... I said break up!

She retorted, do you understand the gravity of love? How could you answer a complex matter in such an unsensitive manner?

I answered, do you understand the agony of a frail body? Can you relate with being in and out of hospital setenced to pills! Do you know how it feels not being able to eat what you want!
Are you saying your love is worth the trauma of an innocent child?

She explained...Who said we are going to have SS children? We might have AA, hope you know?

I smiled,What of if you have SS, what happens? Lets explore our options, abi naw?

Arent you a pastor? What is wrong with using faith? And we are both faithful in church... God cant be wicked. Lets assume any of our children even has complications... There are supplement that sustain such and you can even terminate the pregnancy once you discover is SS...

immediately she said that I knew she needed help. Have you counted your cost?. If you dont expect God to be wicked, please be human. Why dont you use your faith to change your own genotype why experiment your faith on an innocent soul? If your 1st six pregnancy is ss you keep terminating abi?

Must you sacrifice your future on the altar of love! Cant you believe God for another man with the right gene! Believe me, you dont know what you are doing... She started sobbing and I prayed with her.
If you must, you can but choose to adopt and spare your kids the pain.

Soji David Lawal
Life Coach

Blood is thicker than love!!!

  • Posted by Lawal Soji David
  • September 9, 2015 10:34 AM CEST
  • 1 comment


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  • Atolani Abari likes this
  • frank edobor
    frank edobor for me she doesnt understand what love is. she is just been emotional becuase according to the scriptures love does not seek its own but the good of others simple. so on that ground alone it shows she is a very selfish person and selfish people always...  more
    December 20, 2015 - Report