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I have attraction for fellow men

  • September 25, 2015 8:03 AM CEST

    I am a 25 year-old man. I have never had jeru trap with any girl before but I am hooked to other things that I am not proud to mention. I am born again. I also have attraction for fellow men even though I have not done anything about that. I know it is wrong, but the reality is that I struggle with thsi attraction in my thoughts and I sometimes imagine being with another man. Please help me out. What do I need to do?

    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2015 12:55 AM CEST
    Its just like every other bad addiction, it starts as feels, thoughts, imaginations etc, but to be honest with you, you will live it out( practice it ) if you don't check it now, take it from me, I was held by an evil addiction for 18yrs so I know what I'm saying. I was delivered by God through knowledge, brother, you're having those imaginations and feelings because 1. Your flesh is gaining ascendancy over your spirit( your flesh is fed more than your spirit) 2. You're empty and as a result the enemy gives you something to think of (an idle mind is the devils' workshop) 3. Finally, your mind is not renewed. Brother get busy with God and all he wants you do for him and you will never have time to think and imagine something, before we act out anything, it must first go through imagination and if we fill ourselves with the word of God, some thoughts won't find room or feel comfortable in our thoughts, the key is to be a reader and study, there are some truths that when you know them, you don't need any advice or prayer to act right. Long story short, have the mind of Christ which is already in you but needs to be awakened by your knowledge level, be full of God and His Spirit, and speak in tongues like mad, no idle moment. Be a consistent reader