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He wants me to be respecting his younger ones

  • November 10, 2015 2:03 PM CET

    My fiance of 3years suddenly wants me to be calling his younger ones by brother something and sister something which am not cool about because i have been calling them by their names before now.

    • 16 posts
    November 11, 2015 9:02 AM CET
    What is so special in doing dat.pls,if that is what will bring peace in your relationship or marriage, pls do
    • 16 posts
    November 11, 2015 9:03 AM CET
    What strongly believe in is that Respect beget Respect
    • 44 posts
    November 12, 2015 9:35 AM CET

    Calling someone Sister or Brother does not mean you respect the person. Whatever you are not comfortable with should be discussed with your Fiance,  that's one of the main essence of courtship. Why the sudden request by your Fiance? Have a discussion with him to sort things out. Remember that if you start calling them Bro and Sis, you have to continue till death do you part with your husband. On the other hand if this is what your Fiance regard as "submission" to him, you may have to start learing how to call Bro and Sis oooooooo.

    • 60 posts
    November 18, 2015 12:45 PM CET
    There are two or three ways to this, 1. It could be a culture thing, 2. It could be an influence, and finally 3. It could be the real him showing up. Let me start with the last one, some persons hold their family so dear and special that everyone comes second place, so all this while he's been wooing you and now knowing he has you, he can begin to let you know some of him he kept hidden, but not in the bad way, so he'll need help, also if its a culture thing then no big deal after all you call some young ones in church bro n sis, but if its the second one, something is wrong, because a man who can be coaxed to do a thing, can't be depended on. So talk with him find out why the sudden development, then allow the spirit to lead you