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He didn't believe i'm a virgin

  • December 7, 2015 4:29 PM CET
    My fiance is doubting my virginity and he wants to take me to the hospital for confirmation but am scared and I don't want to go as my ex has tried to enter me before but we didn't have jeru trap. Please what should I do?
    • 212 posts
    December 7, 2015 5:11 PM CET

    what is warranting the distrust? There is already a crack somewhere and trust is fizzling out of youe relationship.

    You must have displayed some kind of behavior for him to start doubting if you are a virgin. (one of which is when you are very skilled in sexual activity but prevent peneteration)

    I am not saying you are but all I am saying is you must have warranted it somehow. WHatever the case,if you are sure,go and do it and if you want to go all the way with him(if he is worth it),babe go and do it.

    I just hope you have not been forming Holier than thou to him sha.

    It is well,go and do it

    If the result says you are not a virgin,then explain the the near penetration experience you had and if he want to continue then go ahead but ensure you two be on same page and deal with anything that could bring up distrust issues

    • 1 posts
    December 11, 2015 12:19 AM CET

    i dont think the major catch should be your virginity unless you sold that to him to keep him. if you guys are having issues on this what would happen on more serious life issues? i think both of you should sit together and really ask yourselves heart seaching questions because from this simple complain it shows lots of things are not in the place they should be.