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I usually have dreams where my wedding is scuttled

  • February 12, 2015 6:36 AM CET

    I usually have dreams where my wedding is scuttled before it happens. I am scared as I have not had any serious suitor in real life. What should I do?

  • February 12, 2015 11:34 AM CET
    Keep praying and it's probably your subconscious state too..... the Bible Calls it multitude of business..... Maybe Someone has told u a story like that before So u started, getting thoughts that What If it happened to u......... it is well.....tell the devil it's a lie your wedding would not be scuttled ....keep praying. The right person will come @ th3 right time
  • February 12, 2015 2:42 PM CET

    Make sure you reject and refuse these kind of dreams by stepping up your spiritual life. Take communion before you go to sleep and never miss reading and studying of God's word. In the place of these negative dreams, you will have victorious dreams as you invest more in your your spiritual growth.