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Is it proper to go on a blind date?

  • February 27, 2016 10:26 PM CET
    There is this guy we've been chatting for a while now but I've not see him in person before, so we eventually fixed a date and where to meet but i'm so sceptical about it because I don't know If it's proper to go see him or I should just let it go.
  • February 28, 2016 10:44 AM CET
    There's nothing wrong in meeting him, but please note these few points for your safety. Meet in a public place, many people trusted strangers and followed them home on a first date and they were raped. Make sure you have your transport fare or you have someone that can come pick you in case you need to leave in a hurry. Don't divulge too much information on a first date, like your house and office address. Dress decently, first impression really matters. Pray in the spirit before leaving, let the holy spirit order your step, and if you feel uneasy about going then don't go.
    • 212 posts
    February 29, 2016 11:13 AM CET

    To add to what Abimbola said, Also inform a close friend about your location and also your mum or sister. Infact to be safer, tell your friend to call you while you are sitting with him on the date and then let her know you are with him . he would be aware he is not safe if he has wrong intentions. Also do not take a drink you did not open yourself,man ladies have been drugged. ensure you open it yourself and even let it be bought in your presence.. chose the meeting location,it must be a place you are familiar with. Enjoy your date and do not be too anxious.