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Is it right to break up a Christian Engagement ?

  • July 1, 2016 6:49 AM CEST
    One of my pastors on campus got into a relationship with a very lovely sister in the same fellowship and everybody was looking forward to their wedding, then all of a sudden we heard they've broken up for whatever reato have break-ups as a Christian leader especially when you have so many people looking up to you.
  • July 2, 2016 9:21 AM CEST
    A broken relationship or engagement is better than a shattered marriage.may be he discovered what he may not be able to cope.
    • 1 posts
    July 2, 2016 1:12 PM CEST
    It may not be ideal, but it is still very possible. Courtship is not marriage. Of course as Christians or as a pastor in particular you would want to be sure that this is God's will before starting a formal courtship. And even at that, you may end up discovering some things in courtship that may lead to a break up. Joseph wanted to privately break up the courtship with Mary when it was discovered that she was pregnant. He would have been right to do that, but God explained the situation to him in a dream. The people looking up to this leader may be disappointed but they won't be in the marriage with them. That being said it doesn't mean Christians should be breaking up and entering new relationships for just any reason and especially as a leader, make sure the relationship is approved of God and be willing to work out any differences that could come up.