Forums » Singles' Discussion

Our purpose in life does not align

  • July 24, 2016 7:13 AM CEST
    We've been in relationship from our university days and now that we are getting prepared to start our lives together I realised that my main purpose in life is ministry while she has decided she wants to be a makeup artist. Sincerely I don't know how this would go together seeing my desire is more focused on the inward man while she is all about face and beauty, this is obviously a clash of interest. Please what is your advise?
    • 194 posts
    July 25, 2016 9:49 AM CEST
    <p>First, I do hope both of you are sure of what you really want to do/become in life.</p>
    <p>Personally, there is nothing wrong with doing make-up, it is a craft and it is learnt. It is not sinful but should be done with moderation.</p>
    <p>So it depends on if His ministry from God will allow for you to do your craft. However, being a 'minister's wife will require you to do much more spiritually than just doing make up. </p>
    <p>So you should both sit to communicate your expectations, pray about this 'future' before making your choices. Its better you go apart in the worst case scenario than just force it.</p>