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The Boisterous Wind

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    • 300 posts
    August 19, 2016 12:06 AM CEST
    Matthew 14:25-32
    When we are on a walk with Jesus, we need to remain focus. When we are in our relationship, Marriage with Christ being the centre of it. We need to mind our business and focus on God.
    If we look at the above scripture. Peter was walking alongside with Christ, trusting him, until he took notice of the boisterous wind and started sinking because of fear. Fear paralyses you and you cannot achieve your goal. Same thing that happens in our world. Once you take your eyes off christ and begin to take note of the challenges around your life, relationship and marriage, you begin to sink because of fear .
    When you focus more on your problems in your relationship than what christ can do for you, you begin to sink. The boisterous wind would swing you sides to side, those are the challenges we face.
    Yes the wind would blow, in life, relationship and marriages, but once we have christ, we should remain steadfast on him. Bible says' John 16:33b' in this world we shall have trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer..because I have overcome. It's only with Jesus that we would overcome.
    Hebrews13:5b says' I would never leave nor forsake you.
    Bible also says' Hebrews 12:2'Looking up to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
    Let's focus on God and shut off all the winds that are blowing around us. Doing that we would not sink.
    The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Remain Blessed.