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Attitude is Everything

    • Moderator
    • 300 posts
    August 20, 2016 12:49 AM CEST
    As Ladies, we need to be very careful about our attitudes . Even when a man is over heels in live with you, a bad attitude would turn him off. The ones we can change, we change. The ones we need to drop, you drop.
    Bible says' a good name is better than riches ' proverbs 22:1. You shouldn't have attitudes like stealing his money, rude to his friends and family, talking him down in front of his friends, getting angry and not been able to be talked to.
    You should be chaste in your speech and actions
    James say he swift to listen , slow to speak' James 1:15
    The wrath of humans worketh,not the righteousness of God. Be yourself but develop your self, drop bad attitudes and attain good ones.
    We can work on our attitudes and become better.
    A bad attitude, pulls a man away, causes confusion, he begins to wonder if it's same bola he was going out, dat is speaking this way. Any attitude you have, let your man know about it. Do not pretend , be yourself, that's the best way to enjoy your relationship. God bless