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Marriage is Honourable

    • Moderator
    • 300 posts
    August 26, 2016 12:35 AM CEST
    Marriage is Honorable in all and the bed Undefiled, adulterers and fornicators, God would judge. (Heb 13:4)
    Marriage is a good thing and it's honourable in God eyes, so we should treat it as such.
    It's a life long commitment which should be respected than even the person you are married to.
    You should respect God who created this institution and said it is honourable.
    Marriage is hard work, Yes. But God can make it easy for you once you have him by your side. God has already said he would never leave nor forsake us. So we should trust him and take him all the way with us.
    Marriage is the closest form of relationship we can have with another individual. We are naked to our partner with no shame in all things.
    So we should prepare for this life time process. Pray, read, meditate, and listen. God would surely direct you to the right Man.
    He is more interested with who you marry than you yourself. With Jesus, you have everything. Remain blessed.