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CORPER SHUN!!! Episode 15

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    February 21, 2015 1:22 AM CET

    Last Episode

              When I got home that evening, I met my mother in the sitting room watching the TV. The sitting room in our home was moderately

    big. It had pictures of my parents and I. It started from when my parents got married to when I was born to when I was six month's old, to

    one year, five years, ten years, eighteen years, my matriculation and graduation ceremonies. A visitor needed not to be told my parents had

    just one child which was me. As soon as the visitor entered the house, the pictures told the story. I told my mum where I have been posted to.

    My mum looked happy, yet there was the flash of worry that passed through her face.

              At that point, my father came into the sitting room “Hey Baby, you are back, I didn't hear you come in. How was your trip?” “Good

    evening Dad” I knelt down completely to greet my father “trip was fine, I answered excitedly. I was posted to Lagos” “No Way, I am going

    to call Toye now, he has to redeploy you to Jos.” My father said without batting an eye lid. “No Daddy! Not again, I like Lagos, what profit

    will I be to you here in Jos as a corper? What is the essence of NYSC if I serve where I grew up, what is...?” I protested. “Aderinmola

    Adeyosola, keep quiet! What right do you have to talk back when i'm talking. That is my decision and it is final.” He replied. At this point

    his voice was getting high. I looked at my mum expecting her to say something.



    For full story of episode 14, please click 'Back to topics' at the top right hand corner of the page. Thank You.

    Episode 15


              My mum quietly turned her head away from me. I looked back at my father, the tears were welling up in my eyes. I was very angry. I

    felt like walking out of the sitting room but I remained glued to that spot. After a few seconds or awful silence my mother spoke up calmly

    “Derin, take your things tothe room, shower and rest from your trip. It's been a long day for you.” I gave my dad a second look, at that point,

    he took the remote and flipped through the channels. I picked up my bag and walked angrily to the room. I fought back the tears determined

    to fight. I could feel fear creep in because I had never had a fall out with my parents before and once my father said “final” he meant it. I fell

    on my bed angry and sad at the same time, thinking of what to do. From my room, I could hear my parents argue in the sitting room. I wasn't

    interested. I thought of what to do. “How will I convince them?” As I started slipping into thoughts again, my phone rang. It was Aunty

    Toke, my mother's sister. She was the closest to me amongst all my Aunties. She always supported me. She was more than a sister to me.

    “Hello Aunty” I picked the call, sadly.

    “Omoge, how are you?” She asked in her warm way of greeting me. She called me “Omoge” most times which is a Yoruba way of calling

    “Fine girl” or “Finest”

    “Aunty, I'm not fine. I went to collect my Call Up letter from school, I just got back to Jos from Ife tonight” I answered back.

    “And so? Why are you sad? Where were you posted to?” She asked.

    “Lagos” I answered.

    “You should be happy now?”

    “Aunty, I am, but mum and dad, especially dad...” my voice went quiet again.

    “Uncle abi, what is he saying now?”

    “He wants his friend to redeploy me to Jos” I answered.

    “Na wa o, this my sister's husband sef. Anyway, you are Daddy's girl, do you blame him?”

    “Aunty, I want to go to Lagos, I want to feel Lagos, I've heard so much about Lagos not to experience it, I...” I continued when she

    interrupted me.

    “Ok dearie, I'll speak with them on your behalf” She said

    “Really?” My voice lightened up.

    “Yes, really, now shey you will lighten up and give your Aunty Toke gist of your trip?”

            I excitedly gave her the gist of the trip, my friends at school and all what happened. We spoke for a long time and she warned me to be well

    behaved. She offered to speak with them on my behalf to give me a chance to grow on my own after many years of my parents' watchful eyes. I

    also told her to help me convince them not to let me live with any relative.


              At first she hesitated, then, she agreed on the condition that Iwould be of good behaviour and I would not disappoint her. I was grateful for what

    she was about to do for me, I thanked her and made her loads of promises but I had my plans.


    ... to be continued

    Copyright © 2015 [Adebola A. Ayoade]. All Rights Reserved.

    This post was edited by Adebola Ayoade at February 22, 2015 7:59 AM CET
  • February 21, 2015 2:13 PM CET


  • February 24, 2015 3:31 AM CET