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Let It Go...

    • Moderator
    • 300 posts
    September 14, 2016 10:08 PM CEST
    Don't hold bitterness, strife or malice in your heart..Just have to let it go.
    When your man see that you don't keep angry anymore or malice and the likes. Then he begins to respect and appreciate you more
    Bible says' whatsoever a man Soweth , that he shall reap.
    Sow peace, Joy, love, long suffering into your relationship, let to of any strife and bitterness, and see your life turning around.
    Proverbs 31 :12' says the virtuous woman shall do her husband Good and not evil, all the days of her life.
    Whatever thing he might have done to you, Let it go quickly... It helps the bond beetle you guys grow faster.
    Holding grudges against each other, prevents the harmony of answered prayers.
    Learn to forgive and Let Go.....Jesus loves you