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My brother asked my fiancée out!

    • Moderator
    • 867 posts
    November 25, 2016 6:46 AM CET
    I took my fiancée home some two weeks ago to meet my parents and everything went smoothly.
    My brother particularly spent time greeting and forming familiarity with her, but I waved it off.
    The fact that my parents accepted her was what made me happy.

    However, she called me yesterday evening, telling me my brother called her and was asking her out.
    It was difficult to believe.
    How he got her contact remains a mystery to me. He once asked me, I refused because I knew he was mischievous.

    Should I confront my brother or report to my parents or just relax?
    • 194 posts
    November 29, 2016 8:58 AM CET

    That is a bad attitude by your brother and your fiancee did well to report it.

    I advice, go and confront your brother in love. Tell him what you heard and how unfair it is to do such. Do it respectfully and gently. Hopefully he can be sober and let go of it.

    Meanwhile tell her to be watchful and wary of him. If he doesnt desist from troubling her, then you should report it to your parents too.

    Above all, pray for him.