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    February 23, 2017 9:17 PM CET
    My dream is to be what no man has ever been. My dream is to be whom what God wants me to be. My dream is big, so big that my head can't contain it. Some even said my dreams are too big, that no one has ever achieved that feat.
    What would I do with my dreams? No one is ready to agree with me. I am even afraid to launch out, I am afraid I would fail! I am afraid my efforts might be wasted afterall. The economy is too bad, is very discouraging. I would rather fold my hands and wait for a convenient time when the everything will be in place. When rain will fall moderately and the economy would have recovered fully. I will wait till I find someone who has done a thing like that before, right? That really sound good at least to be on a safer side.
    Hmmmm. Are you like me? I have words for you today!

    1. Never stop dreaming
    2. Every morning when you wake up, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.
    3. There is no better time than this very moment.
    4. If you don't do it, someone else will. Dont be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try. Put your faith to work.
    5. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
    6. You create your own opportunities. Dont dream for success alone, but work for it as well. Dreams and work is success.

    I dare to dream big. Against all odds, I will achieve my dreams. Dont just sit down and list all the forces against your dreams (marriage, business, ministry, relationship, career), step out and work on it! The forces will disappear.