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Do not be unequally Yoked!

    • Moderator
    • 300 posts
    March 28, 2017 11:00 PM CEST
    Seek God first in everything you want to do. So that your life can be meaningful and can be bright and fruitful.
    Take a close look at yourself. Have you been living right?.

    Bible says Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to man. Prov 14:34

    Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers..2nd Corithians it is said in the bible. Of course God knows the reason for saying that. You cannot be a born again Christian and want to marry an Unbeliever...

    Can light mix with darkness certainly not. One of two things would happen. Either you are dragged down to join their level, or the relationship breaks off, cos you won't both agree....

    The word of God is forever settled. Look at your relationship, marriage, How have they been. ...The way you live your life would determine what happens to it. The decisions you take, so therefore let your decisions be tuned into God way.
    The will of God is the word of God.

    Psalms 119:105' Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path..

    The word is there to direct, guide, and mold you into that perfect will of God.
    The Word would lead you to being successful in life.

    Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but ye shall continue to meditate on it and observe to do according to all that is written there in. Only then thou would make thy way prosperous and thou shalt have good success...

    Let the word guide you. Read it, study it, act on it. Chew it, sing it....Let it become active in our life...

    You should not just be readers, but you should be acting on the word also! Know the power in the Word! The Word s that I speak to you they are Spirit and Truth!

    John1:1 In the beginning was the Word....and the word was with God and the word was God.

    Christ is the Word. If you have it in you, you have christ in you. Christ in you...Halleluyah...

    What more do you want. If you have Jesus in you, you have everything!

    Think about that....

    God bless you!