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Resist Him!

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    • 300 posts
    March 30, 2017 11:24 PM CEST
    John 10:10' The enemy comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy.

    You have to be on guard to resist the enemy as he doesn't stop going around looking for whom to devour.

    Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10:13' There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man....

    It is common to man, so don't think our are the only one, and that why you couldn't overcome it or stop it....

    Bible says' Do not conform to this world, don't be like the rest the world or what they are doing. Stand your ground.

    Any Guy that wants to sleep with you is still a boy. Carry your legs and run....

    The devil would try as much to bring you down, especially when he can see a glorious future ahead of you...

    But you must remember that You become an enemy of God when you allow your human nature to control you...Romans 8:8( GNT)

    Romans 8:8 ' For thy that are in the flesh cannot please God. KJV

    If you live after the flesh, ye shall Die..Romans 8:13

    So take note not to live after the flesh, but to live after the spirit which is life and peace.

    Take note of your surroundings and put checks. Don't visit him alone at night, Open the doors when you are alone, build yourself up spiritually, most importantly..FEAR GOD!

    The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom.

    The fear of the lord is a fountain of life. Proverbs 14:27
    Wisdom by fearing God is worth much more than GGold and silver, Prberbs 3:14 So guard it jealously! Guard your Fear of the Lord...

    Don't let your life be jeopardized or your destiny truncated...

    And if you have made any mistake, Jesus lives much more than you he is ready ti accept you, Your sins would he remember no more. Just confess your sins to him, and accept him wholly into your life.

    Jesus makes the whole difference...
    You need him in your life....
    He has come especially for you..
    He never leaves a person the same way...
    He is Jehovah El- shaddai
    The God who is more than enough!

    Accept him today into your life...

    God bless you!