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Do you want the Best?

    • Moderator
    • 300 posts
    June 27, 2017 10:20 PM CEST
    Stay with God....

    What do you need in this life that Christ cannot give you..

    Success, Good Marriage, prosperity, Good health...
    You name it. If you want the best, You get it from the best.
    Only Jesus can give you the best...
    Let your everyday life be conscious of Christ....
    See I was reading the book of Proverbs, and there are so many blessings upon the righteous, upon those that are staying right with Christ...

    You know your self, You can deceive everybody else, but you can't deceive your self...

    If you know you are following God, doing his will and staying right with him, then your paths are blessed...

    Your relationship is blessed, your marriage is blessed. the works of our hands are blessed...

    Bible says ' The paths of the righteous is like a shinning light that keeps on shining bright and bright.....

    Don't for anything, compromise your faith in Christ Jesus...
    Yes we might fall at times...But stand up, shake off the dust and continue your walk in Christ...

    Dont try to please God above Men...
    Don't put your trust in Men, Men would fail you...
    Please Christ in everything you are doing. .

    Matthew 6:33... Seek to please God in everything....

    I tell people, Why are you praying for a car..., Yes it is a good gift. Our father in heaven can give you....

    But do you just want it for brags...Or To show forth the glory of God, That yes , its God that did it...Everybody see the hand of God in my life...All glory to God....

    Watch why you want certain things....
    Another thing is, Don't follow the crowd. You cannot follow the crowd and be different....
    If you want to be different in life' You have to stand Alone...

    One Beloved son of God says' People use to ask why he preaches holiness a lot...He tells them , its because I want to see you prosper...

    See, When you work God ways...God would prosper you...
    You would have the best in your relationship, your life, career, maritally, health wise too.
    Psalms 1:1-3

    Remain Blessed