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Chronicles of Greatness (23a) Steve Jobs

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    July 9, 2015 12:22 AM CEST

    STEVE JOBS (1955 – 2011)


    He was born in Francisco on February 24, 1955.


    Adopted shortly after his birth and reared near Mountain veiw, California by Clara & Paul Jobs


    His adoptive father (Steve Jobs openly objected to the term 'adoptive' for his father) was a machinist for a laser company while his mother worked as an accountant.


    Later in life, jobs discovered the identities of his estranged parents. His biological mother, Joanne Simpson was a graduate student at the time and later a speech pathology; his biological father, Abdulfattah John Jandali was a syrian muslim who left the country at the age of 18 years.


    Over the years, Jobs reconnected with Simpson but his relationship with his biological father remained estranged.


    He never graduated from College. After graduating from high school in Cupertino, California. A town synonymous with 1 Infinite Loop, Apple's Headquarters.


    In 1972, Jobs enrolled in Reed College. He stayed at Reed (a liberal arts University in Portland, Oregon) for just one semester after which he dropped out due to financial constraint.


    In 1975, Jobs was tapped by Atari to work on the Pong – like game breakout. He was reportedly offered $750 for his development work with the possibility of an extra $100 for each chip eliminated from the game's final design.


    He later employed Steve Wozniak (Who later became one of Apple's later founders) to help him with the challenge.


    Wozniak managed to do a prototype so much that Atari paid out a $5000. But Jobs kept the bonus for himself and paid his unsuspecting friend $375 according to Wozniak's own autobiography.


    ... to be continued




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