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I have a problem with jeru trap

  • September 1, 2015 7:53 AM CEST

    I have a problem with jeru trap. I can not say no to men. I have cried and prayed but I see myself falling again. Am I the only one with this problem? Please, help me, what can I do?

    • 212 posts
    September 1, 2015 1:28 PM CEST

    Thank God you have a heart that do not love evil. You know it is wrong and that is the first step. You have prayed and that is Good but you also have to take some drastic step. Delete their numbers and ask them to stop calling you. Also talk to a matured believer that you can be accountable to. I would advice you choose a matured woman instead of a male. Ladies are moved by what they hear and you have to watch who speaks into your ear and guide your emotional space with all diligence . The moment a man's word can capture you heart,he can get to your pants. For now,stay off  men and do not bother listening to to sweet nonsense. Also stop night calls and chat. You have to fight for your destiny. You have to be stong and resolute and make decisions as you trust God.There is no excuse for staying in sexual sin and truncate your destiny

    Also try and get very busy wth productive activity and find people who has same passion and roll with them.

    Please take the accountability part very seriously and let the person be a female. Lastly stay with the word,it has the power to deliver.

    May God help ypu in Jesus name.

    This post was edited by Bimbola Olumoba at September 3, 2015 1:26 PM CEST
    • 2 posts
    September 1, 2015 3:19 PM CEST
    For you to seek for help is a sign you're willing to stop. I bet you, this is a huge step

    I counseled a lady yesterday with a similar issue. She said her own reason for being in such situation is because she was raped at age 10. Notwithstanding, I'll give you similar advice I gave her, which I believed helped her. I sincerely pray and hope you'll read the messages here


    Have you tried to clear those things that trigger the thoughts that lead to those sexual sins? You've read your Bible, you've prayed, you've fasted, you live by grace, you're born again. You've done deliverance. What about practicing this very last thing, which is practicing what you read from the Bible you study every day like Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers and sisters,
    whatever is true, whatever is noble,
    whatever is right, WHATEVER IS PURE,
    whatever is lovely, whatever is
    admirable--if anything is excellent
    or praiseworthy--think about such

    Sexual sins start from your thoughts. Such thoughts must have been a thought that's not pure and the above verse said we shouldn't have thoughts that aren't pure. Well, such impure thoughts are triggered by what you see or allow to dominate your mind. For instance, pornographic websites, pictures or videos or immoral musical videos or even looking at indecently dressed people. If you have these materials, kindly delete them.

    I bet you, for you to even say yes to a man and give him sex, you must have thought and conceptualized it in your mind.

    And when those immoral sexual sins or thoughts come into your mind, kindly substitute the thoughts with biblical stories or just think about the Word of God or you could even think about your team winning the Uefa Champions League (if you're a type that likes football), think about your importation business being so successful etc. All these minute steps, help. Just think about other good things that will excite you other than sexual thoughts. You can even substitute such sexual thoughts with the thoughts of being successful in an exam

    You see, each time you subdue those immoral thoughts you're divinely empowered to subdue a next sexual urge and before you know it, 2, 3,4......8 weeks, months, years you're no longer comiting sexual sins. It's very possible

    God's grace is so sufficient

    Finally, if be it possible, dissociate yourself from such men that you think will lead you to sexual sins. I'm not a lady, but I want to believe that when a lady sees a man that can compromise or lead them to sexual sins, they'll know without being told (women are intuitive).

    This post was edited by Kenneth Nwafor at September 3, 2015 12:36 PM CEST
    • 18 posts
    September 1, 2015 5:08 PM CEST

    All have spoken well, but to me there is a spirit behind it. no matter how you try to stay away from men , dont think of sex if the spirit still live in you, you are still in trouble. what you you need to do is to go for deliverance. then you can start to been careful of who to relate to. of course you will have to relate with male except you want to become a reverend sister. may God help you


    • 60 posts
    September 3, 2015 9:11 PM CEST
    Deliverance is knowledge, so all you need is knowledge on two fronts, knowledge of the love of God, not just for you but you for him, because if you love God, you won't want to hurt Him, everything done starts from thought so it takes a free heart to think of jeru trap, get positively engaged and remain busy and I bet you there will be no time to think about it because the whole of your being is occupied. Get reading, researching, and building of something you love doing like a business. Be a reader and a word addict when you get full of the spirit and the things of the spirit, then you won't fulfill the desires of the flesh. God help you
    This post was edited by Akaninwor Young at September 3, 2015 11:59 PM CEST