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We've had jeru trap severally

  • September 16, 2015 8:07 AM CEST

    We've had jeru trap severally and keep asking God for forgiveness, but each time we come together, we lose control and do it again. Can anybody who has stopped jeru trap during courtship practically explain how to stop? Please, help.

  • September 16, 2015 12:54 PM CEST

    Even though I never had jeru traps during courtship by Gods Grace, I believe stopping this is similar to stopping any habitual sin. It is difficult but not impossible. Here are some practical steps you can find helpful

    1. You have to get to a point where your desire / resolution to stop is greater than any other thing.

    2. Believe and accept the fact that YOU can stop, not the 2 of you, but you. Deal/focuss on yourself.

    3. Attach pain with jeru trap. Understand the pain, heartache, future regret etc that is associated with jeru trap. 

    4. Tell yourself its not worth it. The pain (present & future) outweights whatever pleasure you think jeru trap has.

    5. take 2 or 3 scriptures you will meditate on, that tells you the victory you already have in Christ to overcome jeru trap.

    6. Cut off communication from your jeru trap partner. Avoid any close contact.

    7. Avoid all compromising atmosphere. There are atmosphere that encourage jeru trap, avoid them like a deadly plague.

    8. Be open & accountable.

    9. Take your spiritual life every seriously, daily spiritual exercise like reading Gods word, prayer, praise, meditation, servcing in a local assembly

    10. Aviod wrong associations, negative influences from magazines, music, films or any thing that can rekindle your desire for jeru trap.

  • September 17, 2015 3:44 AM CEST
    Just pray to God to help you overcome it and God will deliver you and it has been said deep yourself into the word of God.
    • 1 posts
    September 17, 2015 11:15 AM CEST

    Hello Friends,

    Please what is Jeru Trap?

  • September 27, 2015 11:08 PM CEST
    Jeru trap means premarital sex