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She doesn't want to marry a pastor

  • October 17, 2015 7:50 AM CEST

    I am called to be a Pastor, and I know it. But my problem is that I am in love with a sister who insisted I cannot be a pastor and she doesn't want to marry a pastor. Yet I love her so much and I can’t think of even leaving her. I am confused. Why would God lead me to her and now she doesn't want to me to serve God. Please, what should I do?

    • 60 posts
    October 26, 2015 11:45 PM CET
    Its simple He lead you to know His place in your heart and life, and from your reactions, she's ahead pecking order, you're still emotional ie emotion driven or controlled, and no individual who makes it with God is ever emotional, I was once there, where you can value a relationship more than, the holy spirit even God. Brother no woman is worth compromising your purpose for, sorry to say this but the river is full of fishes, so go and sort your priorities God or baby girl
  • January 18, 2016 8:04 PM CET
    If you force yourself on her my brother trust me "she would pull you down from that spiritual ladder " you better flee ....I was once in that shoe....fleeee from her ......there are Alot of substitute