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How can I be separated ?

  • December 6, 2015 7:13 PM CET
    Have been living with bad company all my life, we smoke, drink and even do runs though i'm a worker in church and i know the life i'm living is not good but i'm finding it very hard to stay away from them because they've been a great influence on me. Please what should I do?

    This post was edited by Akinbulu Oluwatomilola Oluwatomisin at December 6, 2015 7:16 PM CET
    • 212 posts
    December 7, 2015 11:32 AM CET

    Okay it not as difficult as you think. You should not just "separate" because you are a church worker but because that lifestyle will hinder you from walking effactively with God. If you must follow Go,you must make a firm decision to do that and that include being frim about walking out of that kinf of lifestyle. I would advice you stop picking their calls,do not visit them,do not get invloved with them again and then strat filling the space by getting involved with men and women of honest report. If you want to change your life,change your network. Just let them know you are done with that lifestyle and move on./ Do not be afraid to move on because your walk with Jesus is more important