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Can I give him my money?

  • December 12, 2015 7:12 PM CET
    I always heard big sisters and friends that they can't give a guy their money while growing up and i thought it's a bad idea. Please I want to know if I can support my fiance financially.
    • 212 posts
    December 14, 2015 5:28 PM CET

    It is a personal decision. No one can make it for you. What circumstance is surrounding the lack of cash. Is he investing the money or is it gonna be a continous thing? Does he just have hard time now or you will continue to give him? You can buy gift after all it's a RELATIONSHIP(giving and receiving). you know him better, Is he hardworing? Can he Multiply the money you give ? Also if the relationship does not work later,will you feel bad you spent money as a lady? Ut is your decision. You know him more than we do.

    I personally can give to anyone weather i know you or not,but when it comes to relationship,you want to be sure,he is not lazy and it is not poor financial decsions that could make him broke. So,it is your hand.