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Chronicles of Greatness (25b) John Alexander Dowie

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    January 8, 2016 12:18 AM CET

    John Alexander Dowie (The Healing Apostle!)

    While in Newton, a death – wreaking plague swept through the region, in the outskirts of Sydney.

    Within a few weeks, Dowie presided over 40 funerals.

    This made him sought the Lord and he was given Acts 10:38. With this scripture, he went to the house of one of his members who had called him for her daughter.

    With the understanding of scriptures, he prayed for the girl and she was healed instantly. He went further to pray for her brother and sister who also got healed.

    This marked the end of the epidemic that spread across his congregation.

    At age 29, John married his first cousin Jeanie on May 26, 1876.

    In 1877, Glasdstone John Dowie's first son was born.

    One time, Dowie misjudged some persons on financial matters and found himself in a great financial hardship. He had to send Jeanie & Gladstone to live with Jeanie's parents until he sorted it out.

    This caused more problems because Jeanie's parents did not trust John.

    Despite all the trials, John Dowie remained focused. He held fast and even communicated with his wife with letters.


    Words from the Author: Every ministry has a future. But we must believe in that future or we will never take the first step. Like Dowie, we must determine to hold fast to the word of God and fight for what is ours in the earth. Setbacks are always present, but we determine if the problem is to remain permanent. Even though we are called, we still have to war against spiritual evils that are sent to destroy our vision and to discourage us. God's angels can help, but the war for our destiny is a personal responsibility that we must win.

  be continued.

    Reference: Liardon, R. (1996). God's Generals: Why they succeeded and why some failed. California, USA: Whitaker House.


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    January 8, 2016 12:22 AM CET

    From this story, I have a strong feeling the plague was ebola. History reads that ebola existed once, many years ago during the time of these generals...It was rampant then and it spread like wild fire. #thinkingaloud

  • January 8, 2016 12:25 PM CET

    You might be right ooo @ Adebola. #pensive#

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    January 8, 2016 12:50 PM CET